Tuesday, May 24, 2005

there and back again..

Bilbo Baggins said it right.
THERE AND BACK AGAIN seems like a fairly accurate description of a surgeon's life. Well atleast a resident surgeon's. Been goin up and down the PAY WARDS the whole night. The nurses at the PAY stations mustve thought it pretty amusing to see a surgeon on his 48th hour of duty run up and down at the slightest behest and request of a patient and their relatives only to recall him once he reached the ground floor just to verify his orders..
How I wish there was an instantaneous transporter already invented. One that would copy your biochemical makeup in one terminal and effectively purge it of all conscious existence ( the body being just an agglomeration of chemical entities bound in a special way) and faithfully reassembling one's chemical constituents at another. The destruction or dissipation of the passenger's chemical structure at the first terminal must be complete. Otherwise there would be TWO passengers as a result of the replication process..
The body is relentlessly renewed every so often after all. One's outer skin turns over every week or so. One's gastric lining becomes renewed every 48 hrs. One's blood dies every 120days (obviously, not at the same time) only to be constanly renewed by the creation of new cells manufactured by the body from basic chemical compounds taken from the environment. One is never completely what one was a few seconds ago. In a span of a few years, most, if not nearly all of one's cells would have been lost , replaced or recreated such that in an objective point of view, one is never really materially existing in time.
But then again an instantaneous transporter would open a whole battery of philosophical musings and whatnots which (as dictated by my ephemeral temporal and non-Euclidean status) I would rather not spend time dwelling on.
Got to go. Got to answer another call..

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