Monday, May 23, 2005

and I thought I'd be spared..

The BURN Unit is closed for renovation. As such we dont see as many burn patients as we used to. was actually preparin for a nice comfy nap at the station when my fone started ringin. I hate ER consults. Would've been nice if they have the full complement of sutures and stuff. Imagine giving me a ROUND needle with a cotton 2.0 suture to stitch a screaming child's bleeding lacerated scalp?(for those unbaptized to medical lingo, surgeons use a CUTTING needle to pierce the skin, a ROUND needle is for muscle and fasciae while a 2.0 cotton suture is definitely way way larger than a 4.0 suture that I would be comfortable using..) The idiosyncracies of surgeons never end.

Yeah I know. we make do with what little we have.Whatever gets the job done, gets it done. right?

"Dont let your limitations limit you" as one big time surgeon used to say. But then again, if they dont do exactly that, why call them limitations? maybe the term TEMPORARY INCONVENIENCES is more apt and appropriate.

Anyway, the child is resting now. Its the mom I'm quite concerned with. She was quite pale when she was watchin me suture.

lets see how long I can maintain this blog...

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